Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Bread and Circuses

There were two things that kept the Roman mob happy. Panem et circenses.

Bread and circuses.

The peasants of ancient Rome loved nothing more that a soft bap and a bloodbath to keep them entertained. And a parallel can be drawn to the readers of this blog. They may enjoy reading a bit about rugby, but what they really want is tits. Tits and arses. Simple pleasures.

With that in mind, and the fact I we've missed out a few months, here is the latest round of the Eyes Right, B*llock Tight Cheeleader of the Month.

This month's winner is....

Candace Leigh Bell of the Natal Sharks. Yay.

Candace is from Durban and enjoys music, films, the breeze in her hair, and the firm but tender support of a Playtex bra.

Responding to her victory Candace said: "I can't believe I've won, it's amazing. I've been entering the competition for nearly six months and heard nothing so I'd given up hope of winning. This is so amazing, it's just amazing."

While clearly amazed at her victory, Candace was quick to thank some of the other Natal Sharks girls.

"All the girls deserve this award, and I want to give a big shout out to Holly, Molly, Natasha, and Charné."

Girls - I salute you all.

Get Carter

Well my friends, another couple of months has passed with no literary offerings from me. I have no excuse. I'm a lazy cunt. I apologise. BUT I have been keeping a close eye on all things rugby and what a couple of months it's been. The new season is nearly upon us of course but our antipodean cousins have kept us entertained in the meantime. Seeing the ozzies demolished by the ABs was a particular highlight and one I hope to see more of in the future.

But the whispering has already begun, have the men in black peaked to early? With nearly a year until the world cup they could well have. Their biggest weakness in my mind is...dare I say it...I'll hold my hands up to deflect the spleen that will be aimed my way once I have said it...DAN CARTER. He's still a match winner I grant you. But the man has looked decidedly shaky on a couple of occasions over the last few games and a bit of French pressure when he's got the expectation of the entire NZ nation on his shoulders could well be his undoing. We'll wait and see.