Great news. I am a big supporter of the UK hosting the games, always have been. And personally, I think to hell with the cost – IT’S THE OLYMPIC GAMES. We get the opportunity to host the world’s greatest sporting event once in a generation - if we’re lucky - so an opportunity like this MUST be embraced. Two fingers to the naysayers – if I had my way all those opposed to the games would be forced to carry out the duty of filling the swimming pools in the Aquatic Centre using only a tap and a thimble, before being sent to Coventry for the entire month of August 2012 to reflect on what inhibited, miserly, tight arses they’ve been.
But, one thing that struck me yesterday as I leafed through the coverage of London 2012’s 3 year countdown and watched the various news reporters looking distinctly out of place in their bulbous hard hats. How the fuck does Tom Daley get so tanned?

Every time I see the little media tart paraded in front of the press his hue is increasingly dark. OK, OK, I know I shouldn’t be taking the proverbial, he’s just won the World Championships and he’s 7 years old, bully for him. But can someone, somewhere, please explain where this melanin phenomenon has appeared from? From what I can gather, diving is a predominantly indoor sport, particularly when training in the UK. Given the amount of training needed to become a World Champion in any sport, I’d wager that young Tom spends a lot of time indoors. Even if he was training outdoors, he lives in the UK and a tan of that position on the Dulux chart is just impossible to achieve in our temperate climes. His
parents – because of course they’re on telly all the time as well – don’t seem to have any major tanning issues so he’s not got any real genetic inclination to bronze. Could it be a bottle job? That is the most likely explanation. But for someone whose career involves plunging into chemical filled water, is this the best option?
I have to admit I’m at a loss, I’ll leave it open to the floor. But, one thing is for sure, if it is the real deal and he carries on at this rate he’s going to be a leathery mess by the time the 2012 arrives, and no-one wants to see that in a pair of Speedos.

I have to admit I’m at a loss, I’ll leave it open to the floor. But, one thing is for sure, if it is the real deal and he carries on at this rate he’s going to be a leathery mess by the time the 2012 arrives, and no-one wants to see that in a pair of Speedos.
So far this year he has spent a week in Doha, about three weeks in Florida, and two and a half weeks in Rome, and he's about to spend three weeks in Spain.